I had all the pieces cut to make little hanging decorations for my twigs. Too fiddly, so just never bothered!
Then we had nursery rhymes and butterflies. I don't really 'do' butterflies so wasn't bothered about that one. But I have some nice nursery rhyme-style fabric (I think!) that I've got a plan for. For the theme of 'sweeties' I just drew a blank. It wasn't going too well!
Plus, there's now the new monthly challenge, which is to revamp a piece of my own old clothing. Oh, well, I always have ideas for things like this but upcycling is a real struggle for me, I find.
So while I'm pondering all that, I did a little project of my own, that I'd been meaning to do for ages. Re-upholster my footstool to match the chair. And finally, after painstakingly removing all the [very well inserted] staples (with my dad's old penknife!) and backing felt, I managed to remove the old cover, use it as a pattern, cut my fabric and start to reapply. And then I realised the staples weren't going in. The gun didn't seem to be working. So I left it a while and had a nice, long think. Ah, I could hammer the staples in. So I very noisily did that for about four staples before running out of them anyway! So then it was another good couple of weeks before Dan bought me some more staples!
And so finally, here we are today, and I've managed to finish it! Woohoo!
Right, now onto the many, many other challenges! Oh dear...
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