I got quite excited when I made the outer skirt bit - although I made one simple mistake which I quickly rectified (will I ever make anything without a mistake? Not today!). Clock was up to 25 minutes.
Then I started the underskirt. For some reason, when I read her instructions at the bottom, I thought she meant make a whole new, elasticated-waist skirt, but NO! That wouldn't work! Doh!
So I kind of attached the underneath to stretched out overskirt and it seemed to have worked.
Tried it on and it was GINORMOUS!! Looked pig ugly! Needed a good 3 inches taking in!
So I sewed a new seam for the side and chopped off the excess before even checking it fit!
Well, when I did, the waist fit fine but I'd cut it so straight it was a TADGE snug on the hips! More of a very slim pencil skirt!!
I don't care! By now I was up to 1.5 hours and bored of the thing but really not wanting to waste the lovely fabric! So this is the final result!
Even with tights and boots it might be ok - I wanted a skirt I could wear through the autumn! I can sit, bend and almost spread my legs to leap up the stairs - for want of a better visual!
And once I lose all those inches off my hips at bootcamp I should look far better!
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