Sunday, 27 November 2011

First foray into clutch making for Christmas....

And it all ended in glue..........

Seriously, I cocked up by missing out one step and found myself cutting seams and re-aligning the whole thing whilst getting covered in super-strong fabric glue. But I think I've rescued it, on the whole! This is the spotty lining:

There's still some glue around the black fabric ruffle at the top but I seem to have made myself a kitsch little Christmas clutch - check out that fabric too!


Can't wait to wear this with a sleek little black number!

Thursday, 17 November 2011

To cape or not to cape?

So, I love how this looks (although I'm pretty sure I won't look quite as cool, and I don't ski!):

It's on Burda and costs very little money (5 dollars 40!) for download. I think I have fabric sorted, like a wool - so more like a jumper/cardy maybe, as I don't think my machine would do wool this thick? I don't know for sure though!

I've been um-ing and argh-ing about this cape for ages and think I should at least buy the pattern but any thoughts welcomed!!

Monday, 14 November 2011

Infinity dress...

So my mum and sis are fascinated by this dress on which costs like a squillion pounds....

And I knew I'd seen one somewhere before so dug it out in my ever-filling Favourites folder and here it is, thanks to Rostitchery.... (click on pic 1)

 Click here too, just in case

Looks fairly do-able! What do you think?!

Christmas present ideas - could one of these be for you?!!

Well, since arriving on Twitter yesterday (@sewcology) I have spent hours now browsing other folks' blogs and have gathered some more ideas - figured I may as well share them here for you lovely lot! Can't wait to get started on some of these.....hmmmm, when will I squeeze it in, I wonder?!!

I love this and people will defo be getting one of these if they're lucky! Cake in a jar!  Thanks The paper Mama

Satchel bag - maybe more for myself?!! Does cost money though!

Knot tote - love this too!

  Thanks Me Sew Crazy

Really cute cushion...
 Thanks In Between Laundry

These are just adorable!
  Thanks Mommy By Day

  Thanks U-Create

So where to start?!!

Sunday, 13 November 2011

New Twitter account and loads of new ideas.....

Have spent a bit of time setting up a Twitter account. I now have 27 followers!! Wow! Find me @sewcology!!

It does mean I've managed to connect with a few more sewing enthusiasts and have spent quite a few minutes (errrr, hours) browsing some new sites. 

Check out this... has the following patterns I shall be purchasing / downloading for free:

Mini tote:


Rachel bag:

Take-out boxes 

Thanks to Patternspot for those!

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